

耶鲁大学一项新的研究利用进化生物学工具回答了癌症如何转移的古老问题。据研究者称,获得的新的见解将帮助科学家更好地理解肿瘤转移的基因起源,发现更有效的治疗靶标。这项研究由公共卫生副教授Jeffrey Townsend领导,文章于2016年1月5日发表在the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences期刊。






  • 首先,研究者发现转移灶起源于原发性肿瘤中,沿着不同的通路或者谱系,以分支模式扩散,而不是线性模式。



Four maximum likelihood cancer molecular evolutionary trees, with a horizontal scale proportional to the number of mutations. (A) Subject 424 had a colon primary tumor and metastases to the duodenum (M1) and liver (M2). The primary tumor was an ingroup to all metastases in 80.4% of the Bayesian posterior of trees for subject 424. (B) Subject 446 had a pancreatic adenocarcinoma primary tumor and metastases to the kidney (M2), bowel (M3), and liver (M4). The primary tumor was an outgroup to all metastases in 99.8% of the Bayesian posterior of trees for subject 446. (C) Subject 435 had a poorly differentiated lung adenocarcinoma primary tumor and metastases to the lung (M0), liver (M1), pancreas (M3), hilar lymph node (M4), paraprostatic soft tissue (M5), perirenal soft tissue (M6), and mediastinum (M7). The primary tumor was an outgroup to all metastases in 100% of the Bayesian posterior of trees for subject 435. (D) Subject 459 had a lung adenocarcinoma primary tumor and metastases to the lung (M1), liver (M2), spleen (M3), kidney (M4), adrenal (M5) and paratracheal lymph node (M6). The primary tumor was an outgroup to all metastases in 100% of the Bayesian posterior of trees for subject 459.

  • 其次,研究者发现转移灶的基因与癌症发展早期的原发性肿瘤不同。“我们发现转移谱系在癌症发展的很早时期就分离出来了。”Townsend医生提示说道。这种分歧在原发性肿瘤诊断之前的很早时期就已经发生了。

图2. 基因分离发生时序

Timings of the first genetic divergence from normal tissue sequence (blue circle), of the first genetic divergence of metastases (blue dashes) and of diagnosis (red dashes) during tumor progression. (A) Subject 459 (lung adenocarcinoma, aged 54 y at death) provided an example of early diagnosis of the primary tumor without diagnosis of metastases, but also early divergence of the metastases. (B–D) Subjects 414 (lung, large cell, aged 25 y), 418 (ovarian, aged 47 y), and 439 (renal clear cell carcinoma, aged 58 y) provided examples of late metastasis in which diagnosis of the primary tumor and metastases occurred after the first genetic divergence of metastasis. (E) Probability density for the occurrence of the first genetic divergence of metastases and for the time of diagnosis. The x axis is scaled from 0 (the first genetic divergence of primary tumor tissue from normal tissue) to 1 (death). In our set of 40 lethal cancers, the first genetic divergences of metastatic lineages (blue triangles) are distributed so as to often occur earlier than diagnosis time (red triangles).

  • 研究小组还发现在转移谱系分开之前常常已经发生主要的驱动基因突变,这种突变与新突变相比具有选择性优势。Townsend医生说道:“主要已知的癌症驱动基因常常在原发性肿瘤和所有的转移灶中发生突变,在治疗过程中成功靶向这些突变能带来广泛的治疗获益。”




文献全文:Zhao ZM, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 Feb 8;[Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26858460

医脉通编译自:Study Examines Evolution of Cancer, The ASCO Post, 2/12/2016 

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